A very good alternative to this game that I have enjoyed much more would be ARK survival evolved, it isn't just reliant on numbers of people and takes skill, there is modes where you don't even have to fight if you don't want to. I played this game solo and it is not playable, I get a gun and just lose it to people simply because they have more players, no skill required in this game. The only way to have fun in this game is have 10 people playing with you and you must play all day if you would like to get good guns to fight people and then you would just lose the guns to a big clan.

The only way to have fun in this game is have 10 people playing with you and you must play This game SUCKS for console please don't buy it. This game SUCKS for console please don't buy it. We must demand better games because they have the time and the money and we are playing trash. I recommend it? if you have pc no but if don't want a pc and you want play rust maybe, I wait it 4 years and I play it a lot but the game is in depraved conditions compared with pc.
Playstation 4 rust Ps4#
if a game is playable the 1 day is a good game and it's wrong I demand good games, also this isn't a new game this is a port, and you can say "the playstation 4 don't have the same power than a pc" mi friend have a potato pc and he can play with all to minimum with 60 fps stable, but in ps4 i play 30 fps with crashes and less content. This years was very bad for video games, ciberpunk 2077, gta trilogy. I play on playstation 4 and i wait that game 4 years, i want to do a petrol with mi friends or ride horses, but it's a version of 2018 and no I play on playstation 4 and i wait that game 4 years, i want to do a petrol with mi friends or ride horses, but it's a version of 2018 and no have horses, petrol and essentials things.